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mum of three angels

Monday, July 13, 2009


we all have choices. period.

we may not have choices at the time an event occurs but we definitely have a choice (or choices) at a later time when we are more in control of things.

this was what i read in the july edition of readers digest (article : priority one).

the moment when i read this, i felt someone just slapped me smack on the face. here, i am with so much of abundance (yes, i call it abundance), life has been so good to me and yet i feel that i've been short changed by many. whining, feeling sorry for myself etc etc.

the story of this courageus woman who boards a train like she does everyday to work, with hordes of other people, probably bored with the mundane morning routine, and who stands, unfortunately, next to a would-be suicide bomber (just that she doesn't know this fact obviously), gets her lower part of body blasted in the next few minutes after, who through her stubborn positive mind keeps herself afloat till help comes, who had a choice of getting through the weeks of healing and months of theraphy before she can walk down the aisle in her prosthetic legs for her wedding (which she didn't want to postpone just coz of the accident) or just lay down wallowing in pity, awakened me from the daze of feeling sorry for the poor little me.

she had a choice of feeling anger towards the bomber or to go on with life and appreciate every little nuance of it. she chose the latter.

so, here i am at this juncture of my life, probably halfway to the end. 3 beautiful, healthy children - god's gift of love to me and my loving caring darling husband (oh!, how much i love him!!), a safe country to stay, all the basic things for life, good opportunities (to those who choose to grab them, that is), what more does one want!

we have been pampered too much, me thinks, for otherwise we wouldn't be wishing we had more when we actually have enough.

so, aarthi will from now try her level best not to complain anymore. just take things as it comes and make the best of them!

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